Victorian State Trauma System

Major Trauma Guidelines & Education – Victorian State Trauma System

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It is vital that patients suffering from a major trauma are identified early so they can be triaged to an appropriate level of care in a timely manner. This is essential in order to reduce preventable death and permanent disability.

On Scene

Scene Time

As a general rule, the aim should be for a scene time of 20 minutes or less for non-trapped major trauma patients.(7).
Literature has suggested that prolonged scene times in the major trauma patient negatively effects morbidity and mortality.(8, 9). It is acknowledged that longer scene times may occur when necessary interventions that cannot be performed whilst in transit are required. In these circumstances a risk / benefit analysis should be undertaken to determine if the interventions are essential (including consideration for proximity to the appropriate health service) or whether transport with care in transit should be the priority. Additional considerations that may influence scene time include the number of patients, resources available, and the time to a non-MTS hospital versus time to aeromedical transport to enable direct transport to a MTS.

Extricating the victim from the scene
Image used with permission from Ambulance Victoria


Retrieval Service Notification

If it is necessary for a pMT patient to be taken by ambulance to a hospital designated other than an MTS, Ambulance Victoria will notify ARV or PIPER of the case and ARV or PIPER will contact the primary receiving hospital within 60 minutes to determine the need for advice or support, or the need for retrieval or transfer to a MTS. If transfer to a MTS is deemed necessary, it is vital that this then occurs as soon as is practicable.

Retrieval coordinators are always available