Victorian State Trauma System

Major Trauma Guidelines & Education – Victorian State Trauma System

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The retrieval of injured patients from a referring facility has the primary objective of improving patient outcomes through coordinated support and timely transfer. ARV is the single contact point for major trauma advice, critical care bed access and retrieval statewide.

Choice of Transport Vehicle

This is influenced by a range of factors and will be facilitated by ARV and Ambulance Victoria coordination staff. Factors include (11):

  • Nature of trauma.
  • Possible clinical impact of the transport environment.
  • Urgency of intervention.
  • Location of patient.
  • Distances involved.
  • Number of retrieval personnel and volume of accompanying equipment.
  • Road transport times and road conditions.
  • Weather conditions and aviation restrictions for airborne transport.
  • Aircraft landing facilities.
  • Range and speed of vehicle.
                       Fixed Wing
Road Ambulance
Helicopter Retrieval