Victorian State Trauma System

Major Trauma Guidelines & Education – Victorian State Trauma System

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For the trauma team to be effective it is vital that all members of the team are aware of their role, communicate effectively and are able to operate within an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. The structure of the trauma team will need to be fluid and adaptable to the resources available at each facility.

Key Messages

The Victorian State Trauma System (VSTS) provides support and retrieval services for critically ill trauma patients requiring definitive care, transfer, and management.

This guideline is developed for all clinical staff involved in the care of trauma patients throughout Victoria. It is intended for use by frontline clinical staff that provide care for major trauma patients; those working directly at the Major Trauma Service (MTS) as well as those working outside of a MTS.

This guideline provides the user with accessible resources to work successfully within a team to provide care effectively and confidently for critically injured patients. This provides up-to- date information for frontline healthcare clinicians. The guideline has followed the AGREE II methodology for guideline development and is under the auspice of the Trauma System Advisory Committee (TSAC)(1)


Clinical emphasis points

  • Effective teamwork and communication are essential in everyday practice in healthcare.
  • Non-technical skills underpin the success and functionality for all team members.
  • The structure of a trauma team will differ according to staffing levels and availability.
  • A designated team leader should seek input from other members of the team; however, they must make the final decision.
  • Effective teams require mutual trust and respect between all members.
  • The use of simulation-based training is imperative for continued improvement.