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This video is based around the Teamwork and Communication guideline found on the Trauma Victoria website. It is a demonstration of the handover of a complex trauma patient, to ensure that communication is effective, high quality and relevant.
Opportunities for the future. Geraldine McDonald, Manager Telehealth Strategy and Development, Victorian Department of Health and Human Resources.
How to activate an Inter-hospital transfer for Major Trauma. – Charlotte Evans, Clinical Lead, Adult Retrieval Victoria
Louise E Niggemeyer RN, The Alfred trauma Service, Helen Jowett RN, The Royal Children’s Hospital Trauma Service
Saving lives through best practice, the patient experience-from roadside to bedside to rehabilitation at home – Dr Ben Turner
– Prof Belinda Gabbe, Head, Prehospital Emergency and Trauma Research
– Sharon Tonkin RN, East Wimmera Health Service